Johan from Monster

Is viewing the Ayanokoji, Johan Liebert, etc charaterisation as inspiration a good thing? Absolutely no! You might accuse me of being a loser or something else and you might want to scroll down thinking this is all bs, and thats fine cause you are beyond the fixing threshold.

These characters are incarnations of unhealthy mental states of people saturated to 100 times. These are the the characters that are beyond fixing. They just lost the purpose of living and don’t want to find one to continue living a healthy life. I don’t think even therapy can fix them.

Ayanokoji from COTE

Why it doesn’t matter if someone manipulates another into doing things? In the end manipulations cause conflicts and bring grief and they never end well. Sometimes they might not even leave a second chance to fix things. Superficially they might seem to solve the problem at hand, but in the long term they affect ones character and might destroy ones mental health beyond fixing.

The viewership of these anime mostly belongs to teenagers. They get a wrong idea of manipulation as something they do to get things done at the cost of others. One wrong step and it might even cost someones life. These anime give a narrative that bullying people makes your character invincible(in the eyes of their friends). But is that really what you want? terrorise people and act narcissistic just becase some crazy(mentally ill) character from some anime convinced you to dominate people and create a toxic and stale environment around you?

Johan from Monster

Remember that these shows are meant to entertain you. They show the rough consequences the main characters face at the end, so you should never be like them. Think before you do something stupid to obtain trivial things like dominance among your peers. It never goes well in the end!

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  1. heyy! a wellwisher here and i really think you should create much longer posts(because ur creative and engaging with a blog for a longer time increases the chance of people getting familiar to ur blog and much more likely to come back to view other blogposts, example: the "waitbutwhy" blog), use chatgpt (preferably gpt-4o or 4 version) to proofread and paraphrase shi (u suck at paraphrasing),kinda try not to sound rude to anyone that reads ur blog,take ur time. maybe even a week but produce a long,perfect and original blogpost that really really expresses ur opinions and have a fun time! ....share them on all ur socials including instagram,twitter etc(dont be shy),take feedback with a grain of salt and improve continuously until perfection and beyond, engage in comment sections online in insta and twitter to drive traffic to ur page and maybe even consider livestreaming the "working process" likee when ur editing a video or a blog or just anything ever,just try new things, make shorts out of ur youtube vids,use ai as much as u can(its very helpful in some things)..yeah enough yapping, i hope i didnt sound like i was trying to school you or sm and ill try to follow up on this in ur next blogpost,goodluck!
