I performed DNA Extraction experiment.

 I performed Dna Extraction experiment.


  1. Took 10ml water and gargled to extract cheek cells.
  2. Added 4 drops of dishwash liquid and 2 spoons of salt.
  3. Mixed well to form homogenous solution
  4. Waited for 2 minutes for soap and salt to tear apart lipid membranes in cells exposing DNA of cheek cells and obviously some bacteria present in mouth.
  5. Now I added equal amount of chill sanitizer liquid.


  1. Formation of white precipitate(DNA is insoluble in alcohol).
  2. That precipitate formed thread like structure.
  3. This is DNA precipitate.


  1. Adding equal amount of chilled sanitizer(alcohol) is important for precipitation.
  2. First I tried to extract DNA from tomato pulp. I could see cloudy precipitate but the amount was not enough to form strings. so taking a pulpy fruit in sufficient quantity would be better instead of berries which tend to be more of water rather than cells.
  3. Do not dilute the solution too much with water.

Cube Homelab Warangal, DNA Extraction at home with Deekshith.

I invite collaborators to try out this experiment and share their insights and experiences.

Thankyou for reading!

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