Beauty of Periphery

Beauty of Periphery

Did you ever see something interesting by changing the frame of view? By looking left or right, or by observing minute details of some things, you might notice something you would cherish or regret for the rest of your life.
I saw beautiful things by lifting my head up and looking at the sky. The clouds, they never fail to surprise me. They form numerous patterns according to the altitude they float. It's fascinating how most of these patterns are similar.
As I walk through the streets, I watch out for potholes. When I look farther, into the horizon I see silhouettes of hills and sometimes birds cruising in the sky. I would have missed this view. I realized these things happen accidentally. Generally, I wouldn't have paid attention to them. I encountered a lot of these peripheral beauties when I took my eyes off my phone for a brief moment.
I describe this as the beauty of the periphery as it lies on the edges of one's frame of view. When I look at my periphery accidentally a slice of surprise is added to it, which makes it intriguing. It's good to have a sharply focused vision like a carnivore hunting its prey but I might miss out on lots of things going on around me. Being aware of my surroundings, I find interesting stuff like a pirate on an adventure.
I end up staring at people as I look around me, and surprisingly, now we are friends. Don't restrict your field of vision. It's not just nature that's beautiful. It's the people that make nature bloom into a beautiful world. I'm saying, "Open up your narrow field of view and look at this cruel yet beautiful world. It won't fail to surprise you."
So finally, try to look at places you wouldn't look at. I'm sure you'll find interesting stuff.

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