What if we can capture genome with a camera?


A portable compact device (similar to a camera) to capture the genome(DNA) of an organism along with its portrait(to identity the organism macroscopically).

Its more like the infinity zoom where you zoom a photograph to see an organism's genome. To make this device, we need to discover compatible sub atomic particles which can be captured to analyse the genome. Something similar to the idea of dark matter. I have a hunch that there might exist some particles, invisible to the naked eye which form images at molecular level in another dimension(string theory). If we can capture the images from those dimensions we can create images of the genome.

What after capturing the genome? We can run the data on AI models to analyse the data and predict the health related risks of an organism, how it would look after aging, etc. We might discover something we cannot dream of(with the present technology). 

My main goal would be to predict the future of an individual by analysing their genome with the data available. 

Where would you get the data? Its easy if we collaborate with the government in collecting the data. This data can be used in forensics. It would revolutionize the security systems as you can track down someone with their photography. Even if they are not enrolled, we can do genetic mapping to find their relatives and get to them. 

Oh! Then what about my privacy? Privacy you ask? Well its a double edge sword. It comes with ethical challenges but the advantages seem to overwhelm the disadvantages(as of now).

Comment down what you think about such devices along with any possible outcomes and opportunities this device would create.

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