TOP is an online community driven open-source website with full stack development curriculum.
Building my own website has been on my mind for a long time and lazy ass couldn't get shit together to start learning how to code. Though I'm familiar with basic HTML and CSS I am not proficient enough to build a website from scratch. As you might have noticed I'm using blogger to log some articles and I didn't make this website. So probably soon I'll be able to build my own website to host various articles, products(hopefully) and a forum.
Here I will log my TOP learning journey and progress to keep track of things and be consistent throughout the journey.
14 September 2024:
I've signed up on TOP about a week ago and I've come to finish 20% of foundation Course.
So far I've learned some basic stuff about computers and Internet. I've come to know windows is not the OS for coding and have to setup a Linux environment for coding.
Looked up various options like installing Linux and changing OS completely - This won't work for me as I use some software which are not compatible with linux. Thought of setting up a dual boot(basically you can switch between Windows and Linux but you will have to restart your computer everytime you want to switch) - This is messy and not the ideal option, the conclusion I got to after scrolling through various coding forums and experiences. Now Im left with two options: 1. run a Virtual Machine(VM) in windows to setup Linux environment. 2. setup WSL2 (Windows subsystem for Linux). VM are slow and take up processor and RAM space. WSL2 felt like the only option left for me. WSL2 is similar to running Linux with windows GUI(Graphic User Interface - basically what you see and interact with on your screen).
I went ahead and installed WSL2 and Im not sure if I made the right choice but there are a lot of coders who work with WSL 2. So it shouldn't be a problem to get help incase if I face challenges in my journey ahead.
Learnt some basic commands in Bash like launching Ubuntu Command Line Interface(CLI) in terminal, some basic commands to change the Linux distros and versions, changing directories(cd), getting a list of directories and files (ls) and printing working directory(pwd). Directory is nothing but a folder.
Yeah, thats what I learnt in past week.
21 September 2024
This week I didn't give much time to learn from TOP. but here's what I learned this week
I learned how to move files across directories using mv command
I learned how to make copies of files with cp command
I learned how to make and remove directories with mkdir and rmdir commands.
Learned about Wildcard characters (special characters used to make life easy)
now let us take a directory where ls returns with
text.txt next.txt drext.txt
wildcard character * is used to denote zero or more characters in a filename. example text.txt can be represented as *text.txt, *ext.txt, *xt.txt, *t.txt, text.* in this example all of these representations include text.txt but not exclusive to text.txt file. ie, *ext.txt can represent text.txt and some other file with similar form like next.txt, drext.txt. basically you can replace * with any number of characters.
wildcard ? in file name represents only one character in contrast to *. if consider same example, text.txt can be witten as ?ext.txt, t?xt.txt, te?t.txt, tex?.txt . now ?ext.txt can represent both text.txt and next.txt but not drext.txt as there are two characters before ext.txt.